Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Arse Is Sore

I sort of skipped over Day 2, so today's post will summarize both Days 2 and 3.

After I posted my Day 1 message, I took a really really long nap. Wow, did I need it. One of my biggest complaints has been chronic fatique coupled with, paradoxically, chronic insomnia. When I woke up, though, I was chatty Kathy all over again. I couldn't believe how good I felt.

On Day 2, I learned how to self-administer the treatment. I also learned that I'm a real wimp. :p When compared with Day 1, Day 2 was rather anti-climactic. I was really hungry, again, but nothing compared to the previous day's carnage. I did sleep well, but it wasn't until today that I realized that my chronic back pain (arthritic disks) had greatly subsided. I was able to sit all day at work without my Home Depot back brace. (It gets so bad that, sometimes, I have to take short breaks to lie on the floor atop an ice pack.)

Today, I received the largest of the three loading doses. Even though the dose was nearly double the previous day's, I really didn't experience any side-effects. I was more alert during the afternoon, which was a welcome bonus feature during this hectic time at work.

I also learned, today, that virtually all of the "immune boosting" techniques, whether pharmaceutical or otherwise, actually work to the virus' advantage. That's because the virus mimics immune cell functionality, and relies upon the body's immune processes to replicate. Kind of counter-intuitive, but as it was explained to me in more technical terms, it really made sense. (Now, don't go flushing all of your supplements down the toilet!)

So, a month from now, I'll receive my next dose. Between now and then, I'll have gotten a fresh set of labs. I have been told to expect a significant drop in CD-4 counts, and possibly a higher viral load. Again, this is counter-intuitive, as it really means that the treatment is drawing the virus out from its various hiding places (primarily the lymphatic system).

Stay tuned!


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