Monday, September 04, 2006

Day 1

Today, I received my first of three loading treatments of the AIM therapy. I didn't grow fangs and Mr. Hyde has yet to materialize. :p The first three treatments are administered on successive days, around the same time of day, so I'm sure I'll have much more to report mid-week as compared to today.

So far, I've had a very mild reactions to the treatment, none of which I'm sure I can directly attribute to AIM. While receiving the initial treatment, I felt a little "buzz.," but that quickly subsided. Interestingly, on the drive home, I became ravenously hungry, even though I had eaten a late breakfast a couple of hours before the treatment. Then, after lunch, my hunger transformed into mild nausea. Now, I'm feeling really sleepy. Could be these pesky Texas allergens for all I know.

Now, to help establish a baseline, I thought this would be a good time to share my most recent labs. I also hope to get another set of labs within a couple of weeks. My most recent viral load is 43K and my most recent CD-4 count is 407. My highest viral load has been > 50K, and my lowest CD-4 count has been 351.

I am told to expect an initial increase in viral load and a decrease in CD-4 count with a sharp rebound after a couple of months of therapy. As I understand it, the treatment helps to draw out copies of the virus that are hiding within the lymphatic system, thus increasing the apparent viral load.

That's it for now. I am hopeful and excited! Talk to you soon.


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