This past Thursday and Friday, I received another mini-loading dose of AIM. The formulation of this batch was tuned to my specific variant strain of the HIV virus. Yup, I have the local variety.
On Thursday, I received the first half-dose in my right butt cheek. Within a couple of hours, the injection site had swollen to the diameter of a cantaloupe. After awhile, it became uncomfortable to sit, and I even had to remove my belt as the swelling radiated above my waistline and into my oblique area. When I got home, that night, I iced the sore area, but I continued to experience a raw ache for most of the night. I typically sleep on my right side, but that proved to be rather futile, making it hard for me to fall asleep. Fortunately, I finally zonked out, and when I awoke, the pain had greatly subsided -- but not the swelling.
On Friday, I mentioned the severity of my reaction to Dr. T. As has so often been the case, what is a pain in my ass (literally) is actually the sign of a good thing: In this case, a strong immune response. The doctor told me that severely immune compromised patients frequently have no reaction, whatsoever. Thankfully, the doctor told me that I will gradually become more accustomed to the AIM proteins, and the reactions will become less pronounced. Phew! So, on Friday, I received the other half dose in my left butt cheek. Wow! If I thought the right side had become inflamed, the left side looked as if a mutant alien life form had taken up residence. In addition, the inflamed area above my waistline became red and bruised. Ouch!
It's now late on Saturday evening, and the pain is all but gone, but the swelling and hardness persist. The left side feels kind of hot, but not as hot as in the past. I was pretty worn out, today, but true to my usual form, I am wide-awake and full of energy as the new day prepares to dawn.
Otherwise, life goes on and I continue to notice gradual improvements in my overall constitution and health. Meridian couldn't stop raving about how radiant my skin looked, so I guess those rejuvenation properties are kicking in, too! I gotta admit, I don't look half bad for a 41-year old old fart! So even though I have increased two pant sizes in so many days, I am very thankful that I, out of the billions of people on this planet, and of the millions infected with HIV, to have found AIM.
Until next time, I invite you to share in my pain. :P

Nice butt! (OK, not.) Here's the reaction from my AIM injection around the first of October.

And here you can see the alien life form taking shape in my left oblique. Pretty, huh?
Labels: advanced immune modulator, cytokine, hiv, modulator, therapy